Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thank you

Tonight was awesome. Jazz band and Wind Ensemble Winter Concerts!! :D And all my dearly beloveds were performing oh they were so cute and pretty!!! And I know they're my upper classmen but still!! Ohhhhhh and I played "Sleigh Ride" with them, where normally alumni and community members play and he invited Jazz band although he looked straight at me (he being our band director) and it was awesome. I'm in love with all my friends. Except for one. She was really rude. She first insulted my friend on his playing, well, laughed at him, then said he smelled and kept making fun of him; it was really immature and rude. But everyone else, oh....there's so many talented people out there! It was amazing. Hammy, Jason, Josh, Nate, Daniel, Jesi, Jordan haha, Tony, Dalton, Emma, Max, Burmeister, Zach, Katie, Amy, Gagan, Shane, Jared, Madi, Kayla, Alexis, Brittany, Arthur, seeing Alex and Sohnjay and Sarah, Scott, just seeing them....Oh! Having the four altos sit on three chairs...and it was perfect like my favorite boys in all the world Burmeister, Nate, Zach, Me, Daniel, Jared, then behind us Max all in a line for sleigh ride okay it was perfect. That and the awesome conversation/debate/discussion Arthur and I had today and Daniel and I poking fun at each other putting away tables and Hammy's whole presence and Josh's too and everything...they're all such good people I can't lose. Thank you Max for letting me play on "Bay-Bay", I took good care of her when you guys were performing I promise. She's a beautiful girl.

Thank you. Thank you all so much. Thank you Mr. Scott.

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