Saturday, January 19, 2013


Just spent a good half hour bawling my eyes out :) Just because of a book....and I've read it five times and can often recite the words in my head....I've never cried this much over a book....the last 200 pages is sobbing. Not the kind of crying I did at my last Marching Band Competition this season because my beloved seniors would never be there in uniform with me was different.

I've been trying to figure out what kind of crying it was.

So crying isn't a bad thing and there's many different kinds. Like the kind when you're going to miss someone when they graduate, and the kind when you find someone's fallen out of love for you or it isn't reciprocated to the same degree (and this of course has many forms, including being judged/misjudged - your general respect for them isn't reciprocated), and the hopeless I-should-die kind when you look at someone and think "goddamn-they-do-everything-i-do-10000000x-better-and-i-am-really-useless"? This is the "holy this is so sad how"

The book is about the deportation in Lithuania, and only after reading it now do I recognize the true importance of every character and their beauty...they're minor characters but oh so important...literally...but's so sad.

Between Shades of Grey
Ruta Sepetys

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