Sunday, October 7, 2012


 "They have a difficult time seeing faults in people they love unless there's blatant proof they've been wronged."

"*They always try to give straight answers and real compliments to people.*"

"[If they] like you [they] will be very intense, and they will give themselves a limitless amount of time to be there for you. They may want to talk to you from the minute you wake up to when you're going to bed. When they like you, it practically means they already love you."

"Misconceptions. [They] always get sized up as possessive, but so often their desire to keep tabs on a lover comes not from a desire to control them, but to the shield them from outside forces or harm. [They] are fierce protectors of those they adore, fighting for them until the end."

"....delight and even crave emotional excitement."

"[They] are very driven individuals as they tend to be passionate and they carry this intensity into everything they do."

Things I read that are generalizations about a group of people I belong to, haha, it's my zodiac sign, but it's true all the way XD

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