Tuesday, September 4, 2012


You know those problems, that nobody can help you with because well, you can't tell anybody about it for common courtesy of other's identity? And I don't mean what probably comes to mind, I mean, the problem are these people, but they themselves are wonderful, it's the complexes they have that are not and scare you, these things about them that are really personal and important that are posing a bit difficult to forge a friendship with, that you can't tell them but are the problems. You can't tell them because you'd be explaining their essence, in a way, a lot of them, but also you have to share your view, and who they are because first impressions are never right. Oh no.

It's somewhat startling. My friend is hoping I am strong enough of an individual to not become dependent on him socially and emotionally. Because of his overprotective, possessive, needs-to-feel-needed complex, this normally happens to everyone that talks to him. And we all know the more you know about someone the more they have against you. And I am an open book really to people that are smart; problem is it's typically smart people that take advantage of their knowledge. He is a wonderful guy who can come off as coming onto you but I found out now he isn't, thank goodness, although it was slightly awkward when he saw that I was asking my other friend how to respond to his texts. He admits he gets jealous, maybe angry, keeps archives of people (but who doesn't) and overall people just become so socially dependent on him to make themselves feel better and to talk about things. Which is really dangerous. And then he says when he's not there for them he feels bad because he's now all they have. So basically he's trapping himself and the other person.....

I had to write an "I AM" poem about myself right? And I made sure my audience would be able to read it, and never wanted any of my upperclassmen friends to read it.....a lot of it references them. Well they did. Almost all of them. And I mean at least I got a positive response back, they said it was really good, or cute, or so me....or whatever. And he read it and said he feels like he has an unfair advantage over me since it seems he has looked into my soul, and knows a lot about me now. Which is true....knowledge really is power. Especially when it's about someone.

So I am an open book and it's horrible....I shouldn't be. It'd be so much more to my character. But hey...I just trust people....even if they do use it against me well I don't care....I have a lot on other people but it's useless really because I'm not interested in hurting anyone or holding anyone up to anything, and for all I care I shouldn't go around telling others.

How dangerous is this? I need to know...

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